Thursday, December 25, 2008

Eggology Egg Whites: Blast from the Past and Forward into the Future

This holiday time of year prompts many to think of the past, of the present, and of the future. Googling the word "Eggology" today, I ran across an article that was titled Incredibly edible - trends - Eggology Liquid Egg Whites and was featured in Vegetarian Times, June 2003. The article goes on to describe how the author met the Chief Eggsecutive of Eggology who introduced her to Eggology and it's egg white product.

What I found interesting was that the title contained the word "trend". According to an online dictionary, a trend is defined as the general direction in which something tends to move or, more loosely, current style; vogue. Obviously I cannot speak for the author of the article however I can see how she may have assumed that egg whites would just be another trend ... a passing fancy, like the many different diets that find their way in and out of our society.

It's been five years since the article was written and we can tell you that Eggology egg whites are here to stay. The demand for egg whites, from athletes and body builders to professional chefs in five-star restaurants to moms and dads have kept Eggology alive and thriving. And for that, we thank all of you. And will continue to provide the best possible egg white product now and into the future.

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