Sunday, April 13, 2008

Egg White Recipe of the Day: Egg White Cocktail

As I know them, egg whites have many uses . . . but this was a new discovery to me. I came upon a short article in Esquire magazine that touted the egg white cocktail. Apparently very famous back in the day (think 1800s) where the egg white would add smooth creaminess and a frothy head to the drink.

This recipe, thank you to Esquire magazine, by a St. Paul bartender, won him the 1901 National Police Gazette bartender's medal. Here's to a little history!

The Elks Own

Combine in cocktail shaker:
1-1/2 oz straight rye whiskey
1 oz Graham's Six Grapes ruby port
1/2 oz fresh-squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp simple syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water)
1 oz (or 2 tablespoons) organic egg white

Without adding ice, shake briefly but viciously. Add ice, shake again for 8 to 10 seconds, and strain into chilled cocktail glass.

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