Friday, June 5, 2009

Ask The Eggspert: How Can I Know My Liquid Egg Whites are Safe?

Question: Are any liquid egg whites safe to eat or drink raw? What is the necessity of pasteurizing egg whites?

Answer: Did you know that Eggology egg whites are the only liquid egg whites safe to consume raw? Who consumes raw egg whites? You'd be surprised! Most of us have an image of bodybuilders drinking down a glass of liquid-y egg whites but raw egg whites can be found in other food items such as royal icing (read about royal icing and see recipe that we blogged about in December), in smoothies, in cheesecake, even in cocktails!

Eggology liquid egg whites are popular among bodybuilders and also utilized by chefs, hotels, restaurants, moms and dads because Eggology egg whites are the only egg whites safe to enjoy raw or cooked! Eggology egg whites are pasteurized and follow a strict USDA inspection process for the safety of our consumers.

Many people are unaware that pasteurization does more than kill the bacteria in an egg. A posting from the forum of egg-splains how a non-pasteurized egg/egg white can be potentially a carrier of bacteria and salmonella but also that your body cannot utilize the protein in the egg white until it is pasteurized. Before pasteurization (which is heating the egg/eggwhite enough to kill the bacteria), the egg contains a glycoprotein called avidin. Avidin blocks the uptake of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin H (Biotin) causing a vitamin deficiency. Pasteurizing the egg white neutralizes the Avidin and allows your body to safely digest the protein and utilize all its amino acids.

Eggology egg whites are not only the smartest choice for purity, freshness and taste - they are the smartest liquid egg white choice for safety too. Find out more about Eggology egg whites on our FAQs page.

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